
Here are the results of Semifinal 1 (Please click on the link to see the voting)

Here are the results of Semifinal 2 (Please click on the link to see the voting)


Welcome to Trollhaugen - The mysterious Norway

The Party starts
The young host from Wiedensahl
Funny Girls 1

Friends are trying to be cool but their tension is starting to rise
The incredible Buffet
Young - Younger - Youngest
Girly groups are becoming more and more powerful
But Boy-Groups still have the power at the Buffet
Eurovision Song Contest - a meeting place
Funny Girls 2
Waiting for a great night
Die Schöne und das Biest

The moment of Lena on stage

The big Show is on his way
What or who is that?
The blond and brünette
Thorhild Sivertsen and the funky family is on stage
Funny performance
Eurovision can be so much fun
Great singer from Goslar - Lars
He is performing with great joy Heinz Rudolf Kuntze and Bee from Lena
Lars gets help from Mr. Eurovision

Incredible Roger Cicero
Frauen regieren die Welt, but our Roger Cicero the audience
The timbre of his voice is amazing
A big Eurovision Fan
Eurovision gives new friendships a chance
It is getting exciting and the people are waiting nervously for Romania to give the first results
Also a fan from Niederrhein (a Neandertal???) loves the Eurovision Feeling
Dancing after victory
Who is the greek immigrant??????
The new group for Kölle Alaaf
The victory of Lena gives new inspiration

Funny Haircuts
Party All night long
Place | Country | Points | 1 | Germany | 162 | 2 | Belgium | 104 | 3 | Azerbaijan | 88 | 4 | Ireland | 63 | 5 | France | 57 | 6 | Denmark | 49 | 7 | Turkey | 48 | 8 | Iceland | 47 | 9 | Georgia | 47 | 10 | Moldova | 46 | 11 | Norway | 46 | 12 | Cyprus | 42 | 13 | Russia | 40 | 14 | Greece | 35 | 15 | Israel | 35 | 16 | Bosnia & Hercegovina | 34 | 17 | Armenia | 27 | 18 | Serbia | 24 | 19 | Albania | 14 | 20 | Ukraine | 11 | 21 | Portugal | 10 | 22 | United Kingdom | 9 | 23 | Romania | 9 | 24 | Spain | 9 | 25 | Belarus | 0 |